Budget Transparency Reporting

Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Board Approved Budget

2024-2025 Budget

Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Board Approved Budget

2023-2024 Budget

2023-2024 Amended Budget 02-26-24

2023-2024 Amended Budget 05-06-2024

Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Board Approved Budget

2022-2023 Budget

2022-2023 Amended Budget 01-23-23

2022-2023 Amended Budget 04-24-23

2022-2023 Amended Budget 06-26-23

Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Board Approved Budget

2021-2022 Budget

2021-2022 Amended Budget 01-24-2022

2021-2022 Amended Budget 03-14-2022

2021-2022 Amended Budget 05-23-2022

2021-2022 Final Amended Budget 06-24-2022

Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Board Approved Budget

2020-2021 Budget

2020-2021 Amended Budget 12-14-2020

2020-2021 Amended Budget 05-24-2021

2020-2021 Final Amended Budget 06-28-2021

Long-Term Debt Obligations

Long-Term Debt Obligations 2022-2023

Long-term Debt Obligations 2021-2022 

Long-term Debt Obligations 2020-2021

Personnel Expenditures

Personnel Expenditures 2022-2023

Personnel Expenditures 2021-2022

Personnel Expenditures 2020-2021

Operating Expenditures

Operating Expenditures 2022-2023

Operating Expenditures 2021-2022

Operating Expenditures 2020-2021

Current Employee Agreements

Administrative Employee Group Agreement 2021-2024

Auxiliary Services Employee Group Agreement 2021-2024

KEA Contract 2021-2024

KESSA Work Group Agreement 2021-2024

Secretarial/Clerical Employee Group Agreement

Employer-Sponsored Health Care Plans

2021-2024 MESSA ABC Plan 1-Teachers

2021-2024 MESSA ABC Plan 1-Teachers 10% Co-ins.pdf

2021-2024 Dental Insurance Administration Staff

2021-2024 Dental Insurance Full-time Custodian Staff

2021-2024 Dental Insurance Instructional Staff

2021-2024 Dental Insurance Support Staff

2021-2024 MESSA Choices

2021-2024 Priority Health SBC

2021-2024 PA 106

Audit Reports

2022-2023 SEFA Audit Report

2022-2023 Audit Report

2021-2022 SEFA Audit Report

2021-2022 Audit Report

2020-2021 Audit Report

Employee Compensation

Compensation 2023

Compensation 2022

Compensation 2021

Association Dues Paid with District Funds

Association Dues Paid with District Funds 2022-2023

Association Dues Paid with District Funds 2021-2022

Association Dues Paid with District Funds 2020-2021

Deficit Elimination Plan

The District has not incurred a deficit.

District Paid Lobbying Cost

The District did not have any lobbying costs in 2022-23.

District Credit Card Information

The District does not have district credit cards.

Out-of-State Travel

No out-of-state travel to report in 2022-23.

Purchasing Policy

KPS Purchasing Policy

Expense Reimbursement Policy

Expense Reimbursement Policy

Check Registers

AP Check Register 2022-2023

AP Check Register 2021-2022

AP Check Register 2020-2021

Superintendent Evaluation

Superintendent Evaluation 2023-2024 School Year 

Superintendent Evaluation 2022-23 School Year

Superintendent Evaluation 2021-22 School Year

Superintendent Evaluation Information

MI School Data Portal

Kelloggsville Public Schools MI School Data

Title IX Training

Title IX Training--February 2022

Title IX February 2022 Training Certified Attendance

Benchmark Reporting Data

98b 2022-23 Beginning of Year Benchmark Goal Progress Report For Kelloggsville Public Schools

98b 2022-23 Mid-Year Benchmark Goal Progress Report for Kelloggsville Public Schools

98b 2022-23 End of Year Benchmark Goal Progress Report for Kelloggsville Public Schools

98b 2021-22 End of Year Benchmark Goal Progress Report for Kelloggsville Public Schools

98b 2021-22 Mid-Year Benchmark Goal Progress Report For Kelloggsville Public Schools

98b 2022-2023 Kelloggsville High School Goal Progress Report 9/12/22

98b 2022-2023 Kelloggsville Middle School Goal Progress Report  9/12/22

98b 2022-2023 Kelloggsville Virtual School Goal Progress Report  9/12/22

98b 2022-2023 54th Street Academy Goal Progress Report  9/12/22

98b 2022-2023 Central Kelloggsville Elementary Goal Progress Report 9/12/22

98b 2022-2023 Southeast Kelloggsville Elementary Goal Progress Report 9/12/22

98b 2022-2023 West Kelloggsville Elementary Goal Progress Report 9/12/22

Continuity of Learning Plans

Spring 2024 Kelloggsville Public Schools Continuity of Learning Plan

Winter 2024 Kelloggsville Public Schools Continuity of Learning Plan

Fall 2023 Kelloggsville Public Schools Continuity of Learning Plan

Spring 2023 Kelloggsville Public Schools Continuity of Learning Plan

Winter 2023 Kelloggsville Public Schools Continuity of Learning Plan

Fall 2022 Kelloggsville Public Schools Continuity of Learning Plan

Fall 2020 Kelloggsville Public Schools Continuity of Learning Plan

Spring 2020 Kelloggsville Public Schools Continuity of Learning Plan

Learning Loss Plans

98c Fall 2022 Kelloggsville Public Schools Loss of Learning Plan

98c 3.13.2023 Kelloggsville Public Schools Loss of Learning Plan Updated

23g MI Kids Back on Track Program Information

Kelloggsville Updated MiCIP Plan

Mental Health and School Safety Form

Kelloggsville Public Schools- Additional Support Request for Students (23g) Extended Learning Form 

ESSER Funds Information

ESSER III Narrative - Kelloggsville Public Schools

Kelloggsville Public School's Maintenance of Equity Worksheet