
June 25, 2024
No Summer School 6/25/24

Due to current weather conditions there is no summer school for Tuesday, June 25th, 2024.
Thank you so much and stay safe.

June 13, 2024
Kelloggsville Safe Secure Storage

Dear Kelloggsville Families, Guardians, and Caregivers:

All students and members of our school community deserve to feel safe, welcomed, and included. It is on all of us to work together to prevent firearm violence and to avoid the harm and tragedy that shootings of any kind can cause in the spaces in which we live, learn, work, and play. Kelloggsville wants to protect all of the kids in our community which is why we passed a Board resolution on 5/20/24 in support of safe and secure storage of all firearms.

Follow the link for Mr. Alston's full letter on Kelloggsville Safe, Secure, Storage in English:

Estimadas Familias, Tutores y Cuidadores de Kelloggsville:

Todos los estudiantes y miembros de nuestra comunidad escolar merecen sentirse seguros, bienvenidos e incluidos. Depende de todos nosotros trabajar juntos para prevenir la violencia con armas de fuego y evitar el daño y la tragedia que los tiroteos de cualquier tipo pueden causar en los espacios en los que vivimos, aprendemos, trabajamos y jugamos. Kelloggsville quiere proteger a todos los niños de nuestra comunidad, por eso aprobamos una Resolución de la Junta el 20/05/24 en apoyo al almacenamiento seguro de las armas de fuego.

Siga el enlace para ver la carta completa del Sr. Alston sobre Kelloggsville Safe, Secure, Storage en español:

June 13, 2024
Kelloggsville Public Schools Annual School Election Nominating Petitions
May 30, 2024
SHOES Program from In the Image