Welcome to Kelloggsville Public Schools!
We are excited to share our community with you while providing your students with a well-rounded education!
Are you a Kelloggsville resident? You can check your address by entering it on this website provided by the Kent ISD!
Please note: We are currently accepting enrollments for the 2024-2025 school year.
Enrollments for the 2025-2026 school year will open for new students in April.
Online Registration - KV Students that Attended during the 2023-2024 School Year
Do you have a ParentVUE account?
If yes, jump to the next question!
If no, you will need to set up your ParentVUE account before starting the online registration process. Clicking on the following link will bring you to the Kelloggsville ParentVUE webpage https://sp.westmihosting.com/kps_pxp/PXP2_Login.aspx where you can begin the process of creating your ParentVUE account.
If you need assistance while creating your account, we have created a guide and video on our Technology Help page to help walk you through the process. If you need further assistance please email pvue@kvilleps.org
Have you started your Online Registration?
If your students attended Kelloggsville Public Schools during the 2023-2024 school year and have created your ParentVUE account, you can login to your ParentVUE account and find a square icon in the top left corner that says "Online Registration" to start the process!
If you need assistance while creating your account, we have created a guide and video on our Technology Help page to help walk you through the process. If you need further assistance please email pvue@kvilleps.org
Online Registration - New Students to KV
New Kelloggsville families will need to follow this link https://sms.westmihosting.com/kps//PXP2_oen_Login.aspx to begin their online registration paperwork.
If you need assistance while creating your account, we have created a guide and video on our Technology Help page to help walk you through the process. If you need further assistance please email pvue@kvilleps.org
How Do You Create A ParentVUE Account?
First, you will get to this page by going to kvilleps.org and clicking Synergy at the top of the site.
You will then click “I am a Parent.” If you are using the ParentVUE app, please enter 49548, Select Kelloggsville, and then choose “Yes.” From here, you will need to select “Activate Account.”
Please read through the Privacy Statement and choose “I Accept” if you wish to continue setting up your account. Please enter your first and last name as it has been typed on the activation letter you received from your student’s school. The activation key will also be listed on your student’s letter. This information is how your parent account is connected to your student’s account. If you have multiple students in the district, you only have to create one ParentVUE account. All Kelloggsville students should populate on your account. If not, please submit a tech ticket so we can fix that for you.
The next step will be to create a unique username and password. We do suggest writing this down somewhere safe. The e-mail address entered will be shared with the school and is how teachers and staff will communicate with you and send important information home.
Your ParentVUE account has been created! Here, you will find your student's information, and if you have multiple students, you can choose which student you would like to view.
You can also watch a video that walks you through the process by heading to our Technology Help webpage!
If you are a new family to Kelloggsville, please follow the link to our New Students web page which has all of the details of the paperwork needed to enroll a new student in the district.
Are you a Kelloggsville resident?
Below is our district map that shows our 4.5 mile square mile radius boundaries. Our district boundaries are within both the cities of Kentwood and Wyoming, which can make locating your school district challenging.
You can also check your address with the Kent County Property Search.
You can check your address by entering it on this website provided by the Kent ISD!
2024-25 Preschool Enrollment
Kelloggsville PS is in partnership with the Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) for preschool students! GSRP is a state-funded free preschool program for qualifying four-year-old children. Children must be 4 years old by September 1st, 2024.
Families can register online at: https://preschool.kentisd.org/apply or by calling 616-447-2409
At Kelloggsville Early Childhood Learning Center, we are able to offer preschool (through the Great Start Readiness Program), special education, and various other programs.
Elementary Schools
Young 5's, kindergarten-2nd grade students will be at Southeast & West Kelloggsville. Your student's school during these grades will be based on the location of your residence.
3rd through 5th grade is held at our newest building, Central Kelloggsville Elementary.
Kelloggsville Middle School
All students in grades 6th-8th will attend KMS.
Kelloggsville High School
Students in grades 9-12 who are on track with their credits will be placed at KHS.
54th Street Academy
Students in grades 9th-12th who would benefit from our credit recovery-based program maybe be placed at 54th Street Academy